Author Archives: Hillary Louise Johnson

Experiencing Agility at SD Forum

Chris will be giving a brief, experiential introduction to Agile on the morning of July 27, sponsored by SD Forum. For anyone who just wonders what the "fuss" is all about, this is a way to get a quick dose–not of lore and theory, but of what it might actually be like to live in an Agile world. One thing is for certain: there is no PowerPoint in this utopia. Also, if you're hesitating over whether or not to take the plunge and get your CSM, this is a good way to test drive Chris' material and teaching methods. This workshop will set you back a mere $35–$25 if you're an SD Forum member, and why wouldn't you be?

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The Agile Dictionary: A is for Agile

Writing a dictionary turns out to be a fair piece of work. Who knew? We have had a soft launch this week, with Chris Sims handed out a hundred copies of a "sampler edition" at Agile Roots. And The Agile Dictionary now has a live website, with a handful of definitions, and counting. It is ready for your perusal and commentary at, where you can even sign up to get the Word of the Week delivered to your inbox. Don't think of it as spam, think of it as an entertaining diversion, something fun to read while you avoid answering all those other supposedly urgent emails.

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The June Conference Circuit

If you're like us, you've dialed-back your conference-going in the past couple of years, but one event that's not to be missed is the Agile Roots Conference in Salt Lake City. Both Chris and Steve will be presenting, and we'll be handing out the very first "samplers" from our forthcoming Agile Dictionary project. Why do we love Agile Roots? Because it takes place in Salt Lake City, near the birthplace of the Agile Manifesto, and opens with a keynote address by Jeff Patton titled Nobody Wants Your Stupid Process. See, you want to go now, don't you?

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The Agile Dictionary: E is for Extreme Programming

This is a sneak preview of an entry from Agile Learning Labs' newest publishing project, The Agile Dictionary.  Our mission: to craft succinct, state-of-practice definitions for common Agile terms, complete with origins and links to the most authoritative primary sources we can find for further information. We plan to beta test the definitions here on our blog, prior to publishing The Agile Dictionary 1.0 in print and online.

Many thanks to volunteers Angeline Tan and Tami Blake for their hard work as contributing editors, and to Jeff McKenna, who has bravely volunteered to serve as our first editorial advisor.
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Edistorm: online stickies with dot voting! Whee!

I'm just starting to play around with a really cool, freshly launched product called Edistorm, an online app that features draggable stickies and dot voting. It's a bit strangely positioned, as a consumer not a business product–the example in the tutorial is about cake baking–but beneath this surface is what looks like an extremely useful tool for distributed Agile teams who find themselves longing for the chaotic simplicity a sticky wall.

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What Does Your Team Need? Girl Power!

By Hillary Johnson

Last weekend, Chris and I attended a marvelous event called Dare 2B Digital, aimed at addressing the gender gap in computer science careers, and at which 7th through 10th grade girls got to play at writing code, crafting business plans, and other techie things.

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Better Software = Agile Software

This year's Better Software Conference in Las Vegas on June 6-11 is all about Agile, to judge by the program. The conference runs concurrently with the Agile Development Practices West conference (with twofer admission). Better Software is also bookended by certification courses in ScrumMaster and Agile Testing Practices early in the week, and the Agile Alliance's one day Agile Leadership Summit , chaired by Polyanna Pixton, on Friday.

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InfoQ: Agile Coach Camp Announced

Chris' most recent InfoQ article is a preview of Agile Coach Camp, billed as the Open Space conference "delivering value to those delivering value." The conference, which takes place in Durham, NC next month, is a bit different than most Agile gatherings, in that aspiring participants must "audition" for admission by submitting a position paper, guaranteeing a high level of professional discourse. Check out Chris' article for a preview of some of the topics proposed so far. Last year, Chris facilitated a couple of sessions, including one on What Makes Agile Projects Succeed.

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Breakfast of Agile Champions (this Monday!)

Breakfast Being Agile is hard. Simple, and hard. Simple because, in theory, all we need to do to achieve a yogic level of Agility is to live by the Agile Principles as set forth in the Agile Manifesto. Hard, because the real world impinges on or impedes this effort every %$(^%&! day.

In light of this, Agile Learning Labs' own Steve Bockman has put together a workshop on the first Agile Principle, which reads, simply: "Our highest priority is to satisfy the customer through early and continuous delivery of valuable software."

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