Late last year, Agile Learning Labs began incubating a new venture, Dymaxicon, to explore the publishing space for agile-themed books, and beyond. This Saturday, August 20th, we’ll be celebrating the success of our first two titles, The Elements of Scrum by Chris Sims and Hillary Louise Johnson, and The Bad Mother, a novel by Nancy Rommelmann. We’ll also be introducing a rash of new titles.
For an introduction to what agile publishing is all about, check out what the Huffington Post has to say about us. As you may or may not know, few business models are as top-down and old-school as traditional publishing. It’s also, as you may have noticed, an industry in gross, spectacular decline of late (Rupert Murdoch, anyone?). So this seemed like a great space in which to start rolling out agile methods, especially as one of our founding team members, Hillary Johnson, hails from that world, having been at various times a novelist, magazine writer and newspaper editor.
Dymaxicon is in the midst of launching a whole new spate of titles, including a video series and several new fiction titles. Many of our authors will be present on Saturday to sign books and answer questions, so come join us for wine, food and cutting-edge literature. More details on the evening’s line-up after the jump.
Saturday, August 20, 2011
6 to 8 pm
Internos Wine Cafe
3240 Geary Street, San Francisco
The wine will be flowing and the canapés will be on the house. Come meet some of our dynamic authors whose books and videos have recently gone to press:
- Nancy Rommelmann, author of The Bad Mother, is a journalist whose long form narrative non-fiction has won her numerous awards. The Bad Mother is Nancy’s first foray into the world of fiction – but it certainly won’t be her last.
- Lili Ristagno, author of Short Fuse: A graphic novel. By day, Lili is a city librarian in Portland, Oregon. By night, she fights crime on the literary page. She spent months in exile in Nebraska researching, writing and drawing this unusual true crime graphic novel.
- Chris Sims & Hillary Louise Johnson, co-authors of The Elements of Scrum. Find out why the elephant dances on the beach ball and how the agile movement is getting the lead out of business teams from Silicon Valley to India. Chris is the founder of Agile Learning Labs, and Hillary is a novelist, essayist and business journalist.