Author Archives: Season Hughes

Unlock Your Team’s Potential with Working Agreements

A row of people sit on a wall with arms around each other as a team

Photo by Duy Pham

Every team is unique, with its own dynamics, challenges, and potential. There’s no one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to helping a team thrive. Yet, when it comes to building high-performing teams, there’s one practice I recommend every time: creating team working agreements.

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Improve Your Scrum Implementation with Our Scrum Scorecard

Health metrics displayed on a heart monitor

Photo by Joshua Chehov

While the effectiveness of scrum is made up of much more than what a scorecard can show, having some criteria to start conversations about how well scrum is working on your team can be helpful. For this reason, we’ve created the Scrum Scorecard. Use this Scorecard to assess your team’s implementation of scrum and identify areas of improvement.

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Team Health Assessment

A stethoscope hangs on a mesh wall before a setting sun

Photo by Oluwaseyi Johnson

Healthy teams are effective teams that meet goals, produce high-quality work, and delight customers.

When we measure team health, we step away from these outcomes of the team – however valuable they may be – and instead look at the team itself. What environment are they working in? How do the team members feel about the work they’re doing? How do they feel about each other?

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Facilitation Technique: Validation

A poster for validation reads, "We hear you."Validation is when the facilitator acknowledges the validity of a participant’s position. The facilitator is not necessarily endorsing the viewpoint, but simply recognizing that the viewpoint is reasonable and understandable for the participant to hold.

It can be tricky for a facilitator to acknowledge thoughts of participants and help them feel heard without agreeing with what the participant is saying. Validation takes practice and can help earn the trust of your team when done well.
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Facilitation Technique: Writing First

A person is writing using a laptopWriting first is a facilitation technique where participants collect their thoughts in writing before having a discussion. This allows more participation from those that need time to gather their thoughts or feel more comfortable expressing themselves in writing. The facilitator will set a time period for silent writing, then participants share their thoughts once the writing time is up.
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