Apparently you and your entire extended family have already signed up to attend P Camp, as registration is now closed at 550 sign-ups. There is, however, a hint that it may be opened up again should host Enthiosys figure out a way to lay folks head to foot instead of end to end and squeeze more of them into the Yahoo Campus venue. We hope so, and will keep you posted!
For those of you who missed last year's camp, it is a one day unconference for Product Managers, meaning that any attendee can propose and lead a session on any topic they like. Last year, Chris led a session on Why Agile Projects Succeed (or Fail) and packed the house for an Agile 101 session. There were so many good questions he didn't get through all of his material. Here is a blow by blow description of everything that happened at P-Camp last year.
This is a superbly organized event, with a great website, a facebook group, a linkedin group, and a wiki that people actually use. Apparently someone there knows how to manage a project.
Thanks for the vote of confidence. Next year, we’ll look for a (free donated) venue with room for 1000.
As part of the “project team” for Pcamps past and present – I’m flattered by the ‘someone knows how to manage a project’ note. Thanks!!