I’m back home, in the San Francisco Bay Area, after a couple of weeks on the road. I went to Chicago for the Scrum Gathering, where I presented Agile 101, and What Makes Agile Projects Succeed (or Fail)? I also facilitated a couple of open space sessions. Notes from one of those, Let’s Practice Agile Estimation, can be found here on the Agile Alliance Wiki.
After Chicago, I headed up north to Canada, where I ran a half-day workshop From Tester to Leader as part of the KWSQA’s Targeting Quality conference. I’ll be posting some notes from that session soon.
For the moment, I’m catching up and getting ready for a busy week. This Wednesday, the Bay Area Engineering Managers Support Group is meeting. In addition to the usual peer-support and problem-solving session, I’ll be doing a presentation on doing presentations. Perhaps next month I’ll do a presentation on doing presentations on doing presentations. OK, maybe not. This event is free, and includes some good food, thanks to our sponsors: The Technical Management Institute and Rearden Commerce. You can RSVP here.
Thursday, the IEEE Technical Management Council of Silicon Valley is putting on a dinner event featuring Elisabeth Pate-Cornell, Chair of Management Science and Engineering at Stanford. Her topic for the evening is Risk Analysis as Decision Support. You can get more information and RSVP here.