Category Archives: support group

February Engineering Managers Support Group

Nothing influences motivation, satisfaction, and retention more than the relationship an engineer has with their manager. Give your direct reports your time and attention, show them that you value them for who they are, as well as for what they do, and they will go to the wall for you. One of the most effective tools for establishing this kind of rapport is the weekly one-on-one meeting.

We will discuss the elements of effective one-on-ones, including what should be on the agenda, how to schedule them, and where to have them. We will also discuss how to initiate one-on-ones if you aren’t already doing them. If you are doing one-on-ones, bring your experience and suggestions to share with the group.

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Engineering Managers Support Group – January Meetup

Retaining Key Contributors: What Works…

… and What Doesn’t

Retaining key employees can make the difference between success and failure. This month we will examine what works, and what doesn’t work, when it comes to retention. Have an opinion? Some insight gained from experience? Join us on Wednesday, January 23rd. We will be starting a half-hour earlier, at 6:30 PM. We will once again enjoy the hospitality of Rearden Commerce, as they provide us with great facilities and tasty food. Rumor has it that we will be enjoying some fine Middle Eastern cuisine this month!

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Engineering Managers Support Group – Tonight

The October 2007 Engineering Managers Support Group meeting is just a few hours away!

Round Table Pizza (event room)
61 43rd Ave
San Mateo, CA

7:00 PM Socializing and free pizza
7:30 PM Getting a New Hire Up and Running

You have found an ideal candidate; made them an offer, and they start in two weeks. Now what? I will share an approach that has worked for me, and some lessons learned as well. Please bring your experiences to share, and together we will unearth best practices for integrating new hires into the team.

After that, we will have a facilitated discussion where participants can share challenges that they are facing and get feedback, ideas, and support from the group. The event is free and so it the pizza! Come out, join the discussion, and become a better manager.

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Getting a New Hire Up and Running – October Engineering Managers Support Group

You have found an ideal candidate, made him an offer, and he starts in two weeks. Now what? At this month’s Engineering Managers Support Group meeting I will share an approach that worked well for me, and some lessons learned as well. Please bring your experiences to share, and together we will unearth best practices for integrating new hires into the team.

After that, we will have a facilitated discussion where participants can share challenges that they are facing and get feedback, ideas, and support from the group. The event is free and so it the pizza! Come out, join the discussion, and become a better manager.

We are meeting on Wednesday, October 24th, in San Mateo.
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The Most Important Qualities for an Engineering Manager to Possess

Last night, the Bay Area Engineering Managers Support Group examined the question “What are the most important qualities for an engineering manager to possess?” Each person was asked to answer the question based on their own experiences as a direct report. We went looking for the qualities that separated our best managers from the rest.

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Bay Area Engineering Managers Support Group August Meetup

This month’s session will start with a short workshop on SWOT analysis, a tool commonly taught in business school to examine internal strengths and weaknesses as well as external opportunities and threats. It was originally conceived to help corporations formulate high-level business strategy, but it has proven useful in a broad range of situations. SWOT is an excellent tool for evaluating business opportunities such as starting a new business, entering a new market, pursuing a new development project, or allocating resources in areas such as recruiting or training.

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